
Step: of 18

We have sent OTP to provided email address and phone number. Please enter respective OTP below to verify your email and phone number.

Resend OTP
Resend OTP
Choose address from above field.

Tap on the map to move the marker to new location

A very short version of your address that will help users recognize you easily.

Recommended image size 1280x720 (ratio 16:9)
Check this box if customers can create their own cake, that is select their own flavor, filling, frosting etc.

This will be used to calculate earliest possible delivery when customer creates a cake

Check this box if customer can provide their own design for the shape of the cake.

This will be used to calculate earliest possible delivery when customer creates a cake

Check this box if customers can provide photos to go on the cake.
Check this box if you are able to serve customers with allergies.
Specify MAXIMUM size of the cake that you deliver. Some bakers prefer that larger cakes are picked up instead of delivered.
Define delivery price based on distance and also specify order amount required for delivery to be available.
Delivery Upto:
It is important to keep your working hours and holiday list up-to-date. In addition to minimum preparation time that you have set, this will be taken into account when calculating earliest possible date and time you can deliver a cake to the customer.
All Days:
Uncheck any flavor that you do not offer.
ADDITIONAL PRICE : Price specified for the flavor will be added to the base price specified in "Custom Prices".
Name Additional Price
Uncheck any filling that you do not offer.
Uncheck any frosting that you do not offer.
Uncheck any shape that you do not offer.
Specify minimum cake size and maximum cake size for each shape.
IMAGE SHAPE MINIMUM Size () MAXIMUM Size () Additional Price()
Uncheck any tier that you do not offer.
Specify minimum cake size and maximum cake size for each tier.
TIERS MINIMUM Size () MAXIMUM Size () Additional Price()
Uncheck any option that you do not offer.

If entered, UpCake Digital will use following bank information for making payments to you. This information is optional and can be skipped.

Registration Success

Thank you. Your registration is completed!

Next Steps!

Add On-the-Shelf Items

Adding your menu is very simple. Just login and follow few simple steps. It will allow customers to order your ready-made items.
Add Items

Update Holidays!

Keep your holiday list up-to-date. It is an important factor while decided earliest time when you can deliver your cake!
Update Holidays

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